188金宝搏 英语学习 188金宝搏官网网址


Introduction Have you ever found it challenging to reme…


Have you ever found it challenging to remember English words? Do you feel like giving up on learning English due to this frustration? If yes, then worry no more. With the right self-study techniques, you can unlock your language potential and become a master of the English language.

In this article, we will discuss some effective self-study techniques that will help you improve your memory and learn English words quickly and efficiently.

Chunking Technique

The chunking technique is the process of breaking down long words or phrases into small, easy-to-remember pieces. For example, instead of trying to memorize the word ‘unbelievable,’ you can break it down into ‘un’ and ‘believable.’ This way, it will be easier for you to remember and recall the word when needed.

Mnemonic Devices


Mnemonic devices are memory aids that help you remember new information by associating it with something familiar. For instance, if you want to remember the word ‘perseverance,’ you can associate it with an image of a runner pushing themselves to keep going until they reach the finish line. This image will help you remember the meaning of the word.

Contextual Learning

Contextual learning involves learning new words in the context of a sentence or a story. This technique helps you understand the meaning of words and how they are used in everyday situations. For instance, if you want to learn the word ‘punctual,’ you can read a sentence like ‘John is always punctual for his meetings,’ which will help you understand the meaning of the word and how it is used in a sentence.

Repetition and Practice

Repetition and practice are crucial in remembering English words. You can repeat new words aloud or write them down several times to help you remember them. It’s also essential to practice using the words in sentences to reinforce your memory. The more you use the words, the easier it will be for you to remember them.


Visual Learning

Visual learning involves using images or graphics to remember new information. For example, you can use flashcards with pictures and words to help you remember new vocabulary. This technique is particularly helpful for visual learners who learn best by seeing and remembering images.


In conclusion, learning English words can be a daunting task, but with the right self-study techniques, it can be a lot easier. The chunking technique, mnemonic devices, contextual learning, repetition and practice, and visual learning are all effective ways to improve your memory and learn English words quickly and efficiently.

At Lighten Education, we offer a wide range of English language courses that incorporate these self-study techniques to help you unlock your language potential and become a master of the English language. Start your journey with us today and take the first step towards achieving your language goals.


作者: 188金宝搏



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